Back to school does not apply only to the kids, but to parents as well.
It’s that time of year again for back to school shopping: school supplies, books, and of course a whole closet full of new outfits. As we begin to prepare for this upcoming school year, let’s not forget about our skin pen. This is the perfect time to get “back in the groove”, or even begin a new skin care regimen. Each generation has its own special needs this time of year to achieve and maintain healthy beautiful skin. Having the right skin care supplies will make the Back to School season even more exciting!
Pre-teens and tweens may be at the learning stages of how to care for their skin. After a summer of swimming, sports camps, and sun exposure, their skin may be on the verge of breaking out or starting to show some dryness. This age is a great time to start with a gentle cleanser and daily sunblock. The cleansing should be done twice a day, with warm water, a washcloth and facial cleanser. Even if you can only get him/her to cleanse when they shower, it will still be a good start. Keep everything gentle, so they don’t over-do it, causing irritation. A thin layer of an oil-free mineral sunblock daily will protect the skin without clogging pores.
Faces that have been exposed to too much sun this summer may be showing signs of pigmentation as well as lines and wrinkles. Adding a gentle facial scrub twice a week to your routine and including a mandelic acid serum daily will help reduce the signs of sun damage while brightening the skin. Daily sunblock is imperative to prevent further sun damage. This is a great time of year to start receiving professional treatments from an aesthetician for more dramatic results.